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Watching the LL World Series recently and the same question was asked to all the players, who is your favorite player, the analyst then took each player and compared them to a MLB player.  Comparison is something that happens to all of us, be it at work, in your family or on the ball field. Depending on the location of the LL Team a lot of the players named as the favorite were house hold names, some current all-star and some all-stars of yesterday.  A couple weeks back my team was asked a similar question, What player do you want to be like? Each one of my guys answered after a few minutes of debate and banter I said do you all want to guess my answer.  Each player shouted a name, finally my assistant coach raised his hand and said I know the answer, the player you want to be like is you.   That was 100% correct, I said growing up my favorite player was Ken Griffey Jr, he played the game hard, he always had a smile on his face and appeared to be playing the game because he loved it. I told my guys, I can’t be Griffey, the only player I can be is me and my goal everyday is to be the best me I can be.  That goal still carries the same weight today as it did 20+ years ago, everyday I have is another chance for me to be better than I was the day before.

My dad was often asked why he didn’t name me after himself, to be a Junior… (this is no offense to any Jr’s out there). He said there is only one me and I had to make a name for myself.  I wanted Timmy, yes some people still call me Timmy, to make his own name. When I heard that for the first time, I thought long and hard and realized that every positive and every negative along the way is another brick in me cementing my name. I often look back at where I came from, a small town in Southern WV, and see where I’m at today and where I want to go in the future.  I know I’ve failed some days and have been successful on others, but each day is another day for me to prove that I want to be me and be the best me I can be.

The hardest thing for me to do is say “No”.  I’m driven to be best at whatever challenge is placed in front of me each day, More than anything I want to be a positive role model for my boys, for them to see if you want something or want to be something you have to work for it.  Everyday give your best and know that the best person you can be is YOU.

Enjoy your day.