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To me the biggest thing we take for granted is time.  We chase it, we set it and we change it however the one thing we can’t do is slow it down.  How often do you hear someone ask, What time is it? We always want more or say there is not enough time in a day.  We spend more time wasting what we have then enjoying it.  Why do we waste something that we will never get back?

We all have that friend or friends that can’t tell time, when you say lets meet for dinner at 7:00 and it’s 7:30 or later before they arrive.  That time is gone, your friend arrives with an excuse or simply says we should have said 7:30. You smile and nod, enjoy your dinner and the time together.  Then on the way home you and your spouse complain, if your by yourself there’s in-depth conversation going on about your friend not respecting your time. What happens in those situations?  You just spent more time on something that is over, something you can’t control and something you’ll never get back.

Most of our thinking is in past tense.  A perfect example is when you experience death or loss.  That is usually the time where we stop and think about time and wish we had more with our loved ones.  Why do we have to get to the point of loss before we want to enjoy the time with others? I’ve said it and heard it more times than I can count, if I could only have one more day with my loved one.  Calling others has become almost a thing of the past.  We are living in a world of text messages, bitmoji’s, memes and social media.  That is how we communicate with our friends and families.  I try to call my parents everyday, it may be only a few minute call but we are spending time catching up.  Talking about our day, the upcoming schedule or something simple as what’s for dinner tonight. I have some friends that if the phone rings, they will look at it put it back down and text you back a few minutes later. Go to dinner or a friend’s house and see how much is done without a phone or electronic device in hand.  Quality time spent today is a family sitting together with everyone’s noses buried in their device.

Why can’t we enjoy time with others now?  I had a great talk last night with a neighbor, we talked about many topics.  It was great just to take the time to slow down and enjoy conversation. I apologize to not only this neighbor but others, there are times I feel parts of my conservation is bragging about myself, my kids or my wife.  I take pride in a lot of things and where I came from to where I’m at now. I just have to do a better job at using my time to listen more than speaking. We have been blessed in our lives with a great family and friends who become family.  Spending time and talking with those people are memories I will carry with me for as long as a I have life.

Hopefully you will slow down, enjoy and embrace the time you have with yourself and others. Don’t take time for granted.  You only have so much, once its gone you can’t get it back.  Don’t look back on your time with regrets.  Put your phone down and spend time with family and friends.  Go for a walk or simply enjoy a conversation.

Enjoy your day and time.