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You hear it all the time, the outfit I brought doesn’t look like it did online.  My favorite is when someone says I bought it because it looked great on them.  I thought it would look great on me. Many time in life our expectation on something doesn’t match the reality on it.

Just because I expect to be great doesn’t mean its going to happen.  That is where we are seeing some issues today.  Too many people are expecting things or item from others.  Those people are usually the first to blame others when something doesn’t go their way.  Their response, well I expected to get that item.  The reality is did you work for it, what are you doing to earn it.   As a father, I see it with my boys, when they go to the store their expectation is to get something everytime, the reality is that’s not happening.  Its a great lesson on earning things and that we always don’t get what we want.

i can remember as a kid getting in the car and just going for a drive. Most times there wasn’t an expectation of where we were going, granted most times we ended up at the same places.  The reality was lets enjoy the family time, the conservation and the sights and sounds of the drive. Nowadays that doesn’t happen, the reality is we have to plan or schedule visits to go see someone.  Most don’t like people just showing up unannounced . As a whole we don’t enjoy our reality we would rather see the world through our expectations.

A perfect example to me on the previous thought is social media. So many people have an alias or fake account to talk down or make fun of others.  Most times those people get called out or their true identity is revealed.

For today lets try to follow our expectation to its reality and enjoy what the outcome is.