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I see it everyday in sports, some are afraid to compete. College sports has become a perfect example as kids continue to transfer from school to school.  A lot of those transfers come as a result of kids feeling a coach lied to them about playing time or because they lost their starting job. It was never their fault though.  What it ultimately came down to in most cases was someone wanted it more. The other player got complacent, they stopped working or they got scared because someone was outworking them.  i

There is a large scale investigation for kids, players, etc in college sports for getting money or other benefits. What the investigation doesn’t talk about is that some kids are groomed at an early age to win at all costs. Some are never taught how to compete or how to earn something.  When adversity hits those players don’t know how to respond. If little Johnny plays short stop and his team has a better kid playing there.  What happens nowadays, little Johnny leaves and goes to another team so he can keep playing short stop. Years ago, little Johnny would have done what’s best for the team and played another position.  He would try to get better at the new position or better yet try to get better to earn his old position back.

Again, kids today have a hard time handling adversity, some want compete and would rather run away.  This all goes back to a previous Blog about people chasing greener grass.  I got beat out as a starter my junior year in both football and basketball to the same player.  Did I quit or run away, no I worked my tail off to get better. I earned a starting spot in both sports my senior year.  The kid who beat me out, did I hold a grudge no, we were good friends through school.  We competed everyday in practice, he made me better and I feel our competition helped him improve as well.

I try to tell my boys and my team all the time.  Don’t be afraid to compete, don’t be afraid of any player or team.  The only person who can beat you is you yes others may be better, but if you compete, you will be successful and go far.  Never let fear hold you from competing, don’t run away from competing for something. That competition may lead to great success or it could lead to failure.  At the end of the day both will help you become better.

When you wake up have the thought process that I’m going to compete today, I’m going to be the best me i can be.  Win or lose with that mindset you will be successful.

Enjoy your day.