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My life like so many is a constant blur as I’m running from one event to another.  With everything going around around me there’s even more going on in my head. I’m to the point now where I’m scheduling meetings after meetings on weekends to ensure activities, groups and events I’m involved with are getting done.  However, I’m starting to trip over my own two feet as my juggling act is starting to be unbalanced with too much going on at one time.

I’ve had my boss tell me to slow down and start telling people no, that is a difficult concept for me.  Thus brings me to my thought on this topic. Where’s my quiet place to think, recharge and really refresh?  For me there’s a couple of locations that continue to be my go to, one is the gym.  I go or at least try to go everyday at lunch.  I get refreshed, I push myself and hopefully others to be better than we were yesterday.  The days where lunchtime meetings interfere and I miss the gym it takes a toll both physically and mentally on me.  I’m definitely a creature of habit and have become more schedule driven and when it gets off so do I.  Another location and it may sound funny, but the bathroom, you get a few minutes alone and in those moments can stop, think and hopefully focus.  Now, like so many today, there’s a huge distraction being a little handheld device that many of us can’t put down. We scan our social media pages, answer texts, etc. Being a coach I probably put too much burden on myself to try to get everything done.  For a practice or game I’m usually at the field 2-3 hours before our scheduled time to ensure the field is ready, go over the lineup and honestly just think.  Most times I will take about 5 laps around the field and just clear my mind and try to envision the game or practice that’s about to happen. The last place I use is my drive time to work in the morning and way home in the evening. However, this one has become less of a free thinking time and more of a time to talk to people.  I made it a mission of mine to try to call someone everyday, as time and schedules have not allowed me to catch up or stay caught up with friends and family.  However, these calls have been refreshing as well as its a chance to step out of my busy hustle and bustle and just talk.

Now, the hurdle for me that continues to slow me down is me.  I have become engulfed in my social media platform and trying to stay in the know of events and what I need to be doing for organizations and other groups I work with.  I have finally began to listen to my boss and trying to slow down, to say no and expand on my quiet places.

Do you have a quiet place?  Don’t let your life over take you, give yourself time to refresh, time to think and time to yourself.

Enjoy your day.