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Being a sports fan can be tough.  My team has given me highs and lows, joys and tears.  I’ve experienced moments of pure jubilation and times of pure heartbreak.  I’ve beat my chest and couldn’t talk because I lost my voice from yelling.  I’ve also not talked for days because of a defeat, particularly a cold December night.

Being 38, I’ve seen down times, mediocre times, high times and times when you thought this is the year we hoist the Holy Grail.   Each time you feel we are close, we run into The Let Down.  The questions start running through your head.  Why does this have to happen?  When will it end?  What do we need to do to get past The Let Down? Will I see the Holy Grail during my lifetime?

You watch other fan bases get lucky, teams win games they shouldn’t.  A ball bounces perfectly for a team while it won’t for you.  Everything is lined up perfectly and your team experiences an injury.   As I write this I know I continue to reference the team as if I’m apart of it.  I don’t play, I didn’t contribute however I still feel apart of it because they represent the state, the people and me.

The one thing I try to do is stay positive, at times I admit its difficult.  There are many within the same fanbase that is quick to switch from full support to full negativity.  On Saturday morning the team is the best thing in the world and can’t be beat.  Come Saturday night we suddenly become terrible and will never be able to win another game.  Some of those feelings may come from a fanbase that cherishes and strives to see us reach the top of the mountain.  While others just can’t help but be negative, they want perfection in an imperfect world.

Social media has made this aspect even worse, you see people get on and bash the team, individual players, coaches and so-on.  This from the same guy that begged those the team, players and coaches for a photo and autograph the day before.

I’ve been asked the question, if you had the option to win the lottery or your team win a National Championship what would you chose.  It’s a dotted line, for some, its an easy pick for others.  For me winning the lottery helps me help others while the Natty would give a starving fanbase something that is longed for.

Be a fan, support, love and respect your team even if The Let Down occurs.

Enjoy your day.