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I’ve been called many things in my life.  Sometimes those titles were not flattering, while others mean everything to me.  My job titles over the years have been all over the place.

Growing up in Southern WV like many of my Monroe Country brothern I started out putting up hay, working on a farm and mowing grass.  My farm duties included working with cattle, repairing fence and painting barns. I did that through high school when I wasn’t playing sports.  After that I moved to being a Mason’s laborer.  The hardest part of that job was having to work on the campus of VT.   When you work that job you meet a large array of people and have experiences and stories that you will carry with you forever.  During this time I also worked at a grocery store as well as the job I have enjoyed most in my life working on radio.  I did a weekly radio show on Friday nights, Wild Nights with Tim Bradley later renamed to the Friday Night Fever.  I had a great group of people who listened every week.  My show came on after I got done calling high school football games.  The next night you would find me announcing at a race track.

Once I graduated college, in fact the day I graduated college, I moved to Morgantown.  I had sent cassette tapes, to the young ones google it these came before CDs, to several radio stations.  I had a couple of interviews each ending with a no.  In fact one, WCLG actually told me I would hire you as we like you but you’re going to be moving back to your hometown once your fiance (now wife) is finished with grad school.  (side note it’s been 16 years and I’m still here).

I licked my wounds, took my college degree and began applying everywhere.  I was turned down by several places, groceries stores, the old dollar store at the mall and so-on.  Finally I landed on my feet at Sheetz.  I worked there for a year and made some life-long friends.  In fact that job is the reason for NuttBone, that will be another story.  While working here I also got the opportunity to become a temp at Mylan.  I was able to remove the temp label and have carried five titles in my 15+ years.  During this time, this southern WV boy with a speech problem who went from putting up hay and mowing grass was now traveling around the globe representing my company, my state and myself.

Over the last 10+ years I’ve coached many a team and player.  Hearing the word coach still brings a smile to my face as it is a title that represents more than just you.  Almost six years ago I added the title of VP of a non-profit.  This title is all about the kids, to see where we started and where we are now is a huge step in my journey.

Now the reason I brought you full circle was to say of all the titles did one truly define who I was, who I can or who I will be.  To me each played a part but with each step and change the one thing that stayed the same was… me.  Whatever I did I gave it my all to show not only my employer but myself I could do whatever task was placed in front of me.

I did obtain a title 13 years ago that doubled six years later that has been my favorite and that is Dad.

With every action, reaction and step in my journey that title continues to become my reason for being.  Through struggles and success all other titles can change but being a dad will not.

Take pride in each title you have, but don’t let ones that can change define you.  Define the title of being you.

Enjoy your day!!