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Fantasy sports have become a way of life for many.  Throw in social media and people are living their lives through fantasy sports. People attack players for not playing or getting their projected points.  A fantasy player feels they are apart of the game because they have a certain player on their team.  I unfortunately fall into this category as well.

I’m still licking my wounds after I missed a shot at the Championship game of my fantasy league by two points, by missing the championship game I also missed out winning money that would have helped as I’m in need of new tires.  Anyway, lets move on.  “My” kicker had minus-one point.  He missed his only kick and his team was shut out. Yes, I did use the word my.  To be honest without looking it up I don’t know his name.  He plays for the Cowboys, I picked him up based on projected points.  I spend time throughout the week picking up players and changing my line up based on high score projection.  I get upset when a player I bench does better than the projected points of my new player.  However, I don’t get on social media and call said player out.. yes I get upset but that is why it’s called fantasy.

Fantasy Football has become a way of life for many, what started as a fun game has taken on a whole life of its own.  Fans, and I use that term loosely attack players for making a mistake, not scoring a TD or missing a kick.  People spend a lot of money to get into leagues while others do it for bragging rights, trophies, etc.   I’ve read and saw where some leagues if you finish in last place you have to get a loser tattoo, no questions asked. We are letting something that we don’t do ourselves control our thinking.  Most of the guys who play are still trying to relive their glory days of pee-wee or high school football through fantasy.

How many of you can watch a game now without checking your team?  I can’t help watching a game at any level without instantly calculating points on a play.  Based on PPR leagues I look at a catch, yards and if they score a TD.  I will look at my wife and say that would be worth nine points.  She will look at me confused and say how, a TD is worth six.  When I explain, she just rolls her eyes.

When we draft our team, most put work into their analysis.  Project what they think will happen, listen to “experts” on “sleepers”.  Everyone has their own sleeper pick brag about it throughout the draft.  Then you always hear the “Hey man, great pick.  He’s going to have a big year for you.”  Usually that is followed by man, I was going to take him next.  First off, yes I have been guilty of all the above. However, the player doesn’t play for me, that guy could care less about me picking him.  He plays for his team, earning his money.

Fantasy has changed the game.  You will actually root against your own team for your fantasy player to get his points.  Oh, I want to see the Lions win but hope whoever I may have playing against them has a big game.  I won a fantasy league years ago because Brian Westbrook took a knee at the goal-line to kill the clock and preserve the win.  The guy I was playing called me right away and said you know I won this game, I should be the champion.  I almost lost a game because the QB took a knee on consecutive plays to kill the clock, if he had taken one more knee I would have lost.

The reality is fantasy has become the reality for many.  Money and a lot of it is being made by the masses.  ESPN and other networks have show’s dedicated to fantasy.  There’s weekly articles by experts about who you should pick up, who you should drop and how to win your league.  SI runs a fantasy player guide for you to use your team.  ESPN posts a top 300 list for each possible league you play in.

It’s changed the way I watch games.  I pull, yell and yes sometimes curse my “guys” even if I can’t remember their names.  Here’s hoping next year is the year my kicker connects on a 30 yarder to get me into the championship.

Enjoy the big plays but try not to let the bad ones ruin your day.  Pull for your team, not just “your” players.

Have a great day!