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As a parent and coach one way to get attention quickly is to yell. Sometimes the attention isn’t good with that action though.  Some kids react positively to it, while others shut down.  You have to know your audience and know when you can and should use the yell.

I try not to yell, however when pushed to that point will let it out.   I’ve been told I yell too much as well as I don’t yell enough.  Same audience see’s it differently.  With both hats, parent and coach, you can get your point across pretty quick with a yell.  The response though once you get to that level is uncertain.  Will the response be a yell back, tears, nothing or possibly the result you hope.

Once upon a time, I had thoughts of getting into psychology.  I didn’t pursue that degree, however feel like life experiences have thrown that role onto me.  I’ve had college coaches repeat the sandwich approach on their players.  Positive first, what they did wrong middle-possibly with a yell and close it with another positive.

The action and activity will often dictate your response.  Whatever it is own it, learn from it and continue to try to improve yourself and those around you.

If you have to yell today, do it with confidence and if possible throw in a smile.

Enjoy your day.