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I’ve been employed by the same company for 16 years, during that time I’ve worn different hats, performed different job functions and roles.  During this time I have also coached youth sports, worked as VP of a non-profit and wrote for a couple of websites.  I say this not to brag or toot my own horn but to show that I’ve had to carry multiple titles to ensure I’m providing for my family.  Some of these roles are unpaid and I do it because I want to better my community and hopefully provide hope to some children that may not have it. Not once during this time have I been able to tell my employer no I don’t want to do what I’m being paid for because I don’t think its best for me.  I bring this up because of the constant reports from professional sports of players telling their team (employer) no you can’t trade me to this team because I don’t want to play there.

There’s reports out of a possible trade in the NBA, a couple of pieces mentioned in the trade have their “camp” telling others that no we don’t want to go there, we want to go to a team that doesn’t have a named (star) player at their position. It baffles me that players have gained so much power that they can dictate who they play for.  They get paid a lot of money to play a game, now before I catch stones and backlash let me explain.  I saw a report that a player is going to be going from making $11 million a season to play baseball to $4 million for upcoming season.  The media was trying to ignite a firestorm by saying you have to be upset, how are you going to make it.  The player responded, I’m playing a kids game.  I will be alright, paraphrased a little but you get the point.  In this case my guess was he was approached and told we want to keep you but will only pay you this much and he accepted.  Much to the same in the “working” world.  There are cutbacks all the time if you want to keep a job you may have to take a cut or lose items to continue to provide for you family.

I spend everyday trying to improve myself, be it in my profession or the other endeavors I’m involved in.  With each role I take on I hope to give it 100% of me and what I can do.  Hearing the players and their “camps”  talk about not playing because they don’t think it’s best.  If I were to tell my boss and employer you know what I’m not going to do that project because it will take too much time and I don’t think it’s worth it.  Not only will I be out the door, I’m not getting paid and I’m letting down myself, my family and my co-workers.  Greed and selfishness has taken over so much around us.

What’s the difference between having a job and a career?  For me I look at it this way.  A job is something you get up everyday, hit the time card and spend your life doing.  Most times there will be different hats being worn.  A job isn’t always what you want to be doing but it’s what you have to do to support and survive. A career is something you enjoy doing.  You get paid to do exactly what you set out to be. When I was younger I had dreams of my career, I wasn’t successful enough to make it.  Am I unhappy to have my job, no.  I have been successful at what I do and have been able to provide for my family.

Whether you are in your job or your career, enjoy it.  Make the best of everyday, listen to your employer, be a team-player.  Never put yourself over the team.  Our travel baseball team has practice shirts and on them it says WE OVER ME!  Great quote, something that makes me happy to be involved with this group.  Teaching our young men the right thinking and concepts.

Enjoy your day.