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I sent out a 30 day challenge to my baseball team yesterday.  I’ve asked several times for my guys to do some extra work, be it push ups, squats, etc.  Yesterday, I know for sure two of my guys started the challenge.  Sometimes we embrace the challenge while other times we run from it for fear of failing.  For me a challenge is just a goal we have yet to achieve.

I set goals for myself everyday, I start with the same goal, if you’ve been reading along since I started you know that goal for me is to better than I was the day before.  There are days that I don’t reach my goal and I have to work through whatever the challenge is that day.  But I know I will get another chance tomorrow. We all live in a goal drive world.  In my job each year we have to set goals for what we want to achieve.  Some set a goal that is easily obtainable while others will push themselves on something that requires a lot of time, dedication and hardwork.

Speaking of time, for me that is my biggest challenge and often the reason I won’t achieve a goal. I spend valuable time I don’t have stressing about the time that has passed, the time that is passing and the time that will pass.  I ask for more time, it’s not going to come, I know that.  We all get the same amount everyday.  I continue to push myself to do more with the time I have.  There is a great quote, You only live once, actually you live everyday, you die once. Make the most of everyday.  I’ve added this goal to myself everyday to make sure others know their time is valuable to me.  You can give so much to another person, however time is one of the things once you give it will never be taken away and it will never happen again.

I asked my baseball team last year to write down three individual goals and three team goals.  Some of the guys goals were simple while others required that player to work and challenge themselves.   I tried my best to ensure each of those goals happened for my guys.  Was that the case, no.  I kept everyone’s goals and it’s something I’ve tried to focus in on for this upcoming season to ensure everyone is able to accomplish what they set out for.

For most of us we’ve been asked where do you see yourself in a year, in five years, in 10 years. I know as a kid in southern WV I started getting asked that early on.  What are you going to be when you grow up?  What I said when I was little isn’t where i’m at now.  As a kid you have the whole world in front of you and each day can take a different path to where you think you want to go.  When senior year hit in high school that 10 year question become almost a daily event.  You have to put what you think you will be doing in the yearbook.  Yea, I’ve went back and looked at mine several times, it didn’t happen.  College came and went however that question stayed the same, my answer had changed again though.  When you’re young and single most peoples goal is to conquer the world.  Once you get married your goal is to make your spouse your world.  Once you become a parent your kids become your world.

I face challenges everyday, some self inflicted but it’s something I will not let stop me from achieving my goals.

Set a new goal today, embrace the challenge ahead, don’t be afraid to fail.  If you fail, you know what your challenge is and what you have to do to achieve your goal.

Enjoy your day!