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I’ve heard the expression GIVE UP, GIVE IN or GIVE IT YOUR ALL several times in my life.  At times I have personally wanted or have done all three.  I had a great childhood with a loving family that supported me every step of the way.   There was still times of self doubt and struggles.  Growing up in a small apartment until high school, having to be on food stamps and hearing kids commits and laughter at our struggles left an impression.  I had times where I wanted to Give Up because it would be easier than having people make fun of things I was going through.  This led me to do things I’m still not happy about because I felt I needed to Give In to peer pressure to fit in. Those actions have left scars that ultimately led me to where I’m at now and what I try to do everyday and that is Give It my all.

I try to face everyday with the attitude that I’m going to win the day by giving my best..  This mindset has driven me to be the best I can. Is that always the case no, I still face struggles.  I still lose and get lost.  But that support system that was there for me as a child is even stronger today.  The first call I make everyday is to The Old Man, he set an example of what hard is and what a father should do. My family has grown and gained members.  I have been lucky to add more faces and names to that family, both blood and bond.  I never want to get to the point where I feel the need to Give Up or Give In again.

Being a father now that fear of those two elements is never a distant thought.  My boys enjoy athletics and competing with themselves and others.  The thing I was taught and have hopefully been able to get across to them is once you start something you see it through to completion.  Even if its something we no longer like or want to do.  We are going to face adversity, so many run from that and will rush to Give Up if they run into it. Adversity and failure are apart of life, we learn so much more from those two aspects than any success we obtain.  Having a teenager and seeing and hearing the things happening in today’s society is enough to frighten you. The concern is always there that the peer pressure that got me to do things that I now regret will pull him into a similar path.  I try to led by example but at the same time allow them both to make their own decisions. Are they always the decision I want or hope they will make of course not, but I will be that support system that my family was to me.

I try to send Landon a quote or thinking point everyday, its something that typically follows things we’ve talked about or experienced.  The title of this Blog is what he will get tomorrow as a reminder of things that can and will probably happen in his life.  He was told he wasn’t good enough years ago, to see the tears in his eye.  To see it in his face that he was going to Give Up.  To go back to the talk we had to explain that we have to learn to focus on the areas we can control.  The discussion led to if this is what you want to do then you have two options, listen to someone else or listen to yourself and Give It Your All. I couldn’t be prouder to see the work he has put in and the growth he has shown.

He has grown his support system, to see the happiness on his face over the last few months because of a relationship,  To see him be himself and not Give In to things to try to be something he’s not has been as a parent one of the greatest feelings. He is Giving it his all to be better because of someone else and wanting to make them happy.  To see his growth not just on the field but as a big brother, n the classroom and at times at home.  He still has some work to do, but that’s the teenager coming out.

For Zane at this point there is no Give Up in this guy, to take a bat to the face, to face a concussion at an early age.  The broken and fractured bones never stopped him from Giving It his best.  He faces everything head on and with full commitment. To see his smile, to hear his laugh after that night.  It’s something that drives me,  When he walks into a room there is always someone that says I want that guys energy.   He can light up any room just by being himself and not Giving In to try to be someone else.

I changed a lot of things in my life to ensure I was able to Give Them My All.  I will continue to do everything in my power to set a path that they can follow, to hopefully be an example of what others look to.

If you can face your struggles and your triumphs while Giving It your best you will make yourself and others better.   If you ever fell like you need to Give Up or Give In go to your support system.  If you need a support system I will Give You my all.

Enjoy your day!