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I have spoken at length that my main goal each day is to be better. Another goal of mine is to always learn. For me, each of these goals go hand and hand. What did I learn today that will make me better?

We take for granted many things in life, being a student and openly learning something new is a challenge to most. In our high tech world today we depend on our devices for everything, albeit a calculator, spell check and so-on. I will admit my spelling has gotten so bad because I just type and let my device correct mistakes for me. Now, is that the best option. Heck no! We all have had to explain a text that makes no sense as spellcheck has changed something. What do we do in those situations? We instantly blame the device. Accountability is a trait many either never learned or have forgotten.

With the many things I’m involved in, I have learned a huge lesson. You can no longer trust others to do something, or at least do it to the level you want it done. Thus, I have began to add more hats to ensure pieces are put together to finish the puzzle. The younger generation doesn’t have the same work ethic or desire to succeed as my age demographic does. We instantly blame the young pups. However, we need to look in the mirror as we have allowed this to happen.

Little things from my youth have gone to the wayside: cursive writing, working in a hay-field, desire to impress others with hard work, RESPECT. Again with the many hats I wear I get to see a ton of DISRESPECT. I get frustrated and think why am I putting myself out-there and giving so much of myself to see this in return. Then I look in the mirror and say if I don’t do what I do will the kids get to experience the things they are. Will that generation be worse off? It seems many have given up on them already. I continue to watch “family-time” being spent with everyone on a device and no interaction.

Family dinner is an important thing to me. Praying before a meal still occurs before we eat. Yes-sir, No-sir is something I still say everyday. I hope my boys learn to carry on these traits. I have been proud of things I watched with them, opening the door for a close-friend, ensuring they had a good day. If it was a tough one then giving encouragement. To see the smiles from others when they walk into a room. To see their smile when they simply see a picture of a friend. To know they are learning each day. To see them fail and then work to fix what went wrong. To try to be better each day. All things as a father that make me proud to be called dad.

I carry many titles and roles but none mean more than that three letter word. My other roles could be gone in a minute, being a dad and learning to be the best one I can will never.

I hope you learn something today. Learn something new, relearn something you haven’t done in a long time. If you make a mistake learn from that. Don’t be afraid to fail, that’s where we learn the most.

Enjoy your day!!