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This is about as open-ended a question as there is. Most will say family, friends, their pet and so-on. All are great answers, but for my thinking those are all a given. I’ll look at those as they are so important to our path. I also want to take a look at what material item you have to have. What is the ITEM you have to have? We live in a world where material goods have taken over our thinking. At the top of most lists the answer would be phone, iPad or Xbox, for me it’s different.

Let’s first look at the givens, family and friends. I have been lucky on my path to have been blessed with the best family and friends anyone can ask for. The problem often times is me, 100%. I know I have a big problem with saying no, which in turn takes me away from both my family and friends. I run and run which pushes me at times further away from where I want and should be. Phone calls have grown less and less. I have that list I try to call frequently but others have been pushed down the list. For that, I’m sorry. I’m known, and this isn’t me bragging on myself, as a people person. I like to talk, some of my baseball parents (HS) may say I talk a lot.. it’s true. I will hug you, that’s me, there are many people who aren’t fond of the hug, I may push that envelope with them. I love to laugh. I try to carry a smile all the time. But I will also cry and I’ve shed more tears this year than I want to admit. The reason the people, my baseball family, who I have spent a large amount of time with over the years, well that time is coming to a close at least at the level I have been accustomed too. For me I don’t see it as two different groups, family and friends, once we become friends you become part of my family.

As a parent I have had the great opportunity of meeting a lot of people because of my kids lives and activities. Some of those people have become part of my inner circle. For people to grasp hold of your child(ren) as their own. To know how much your child(ren) means to them and their family is beyond a great feeling. For me I often watch the first interaction with my kids and their friends. The excitement and the smiles that take over them when they see that person, when they talk to that person or even at the mention of that persons name is what matters to me. I have had friends I was close to at a young age that over time we have grown apart, while others to this day a simple call and they would be there in a heartbeat. I hope my kids are able to have many of those lifelong friends that will always be there for them.

I cherish the conversations I have gotten to experience with friends. Often times parents are going through things together. To have others to lean on, to have others to embrace this roller coaster together makes things better. I have been beyond lucky to have had some great guys be assistant coaches with me over the years. My two assistants this year are like brothers to me. I probably text and call them too often but have absolutely enjoyed the bond we have and value the answers I get. My phone is full of messages that make me smile, that make me laugh and show me how much I need these people in my life. Thanks to my kids I have been able to bring people in as family that make each day better.

Now to switch gears. I’ll share with you all what the material item I have to have in my life. For me I have to have music. I have music playing at my desk everyday, all day. When I go to the gym I have to have music playing. When I’m mowing and doing work around the house I have music playing. Some of that goes back to doing radio for years, I grew accustomed to having it on all the time. I used to have to have it on to fall sleep at night. Each day brings a different element which brings about different moods and different listening desires. I’ve been asked what do you listen to at the gym, I said it depends on the day. Chest day brings about Eminem or heavy metal. Arm days are usually something alternative and heavy. For cardio days it’s usually something with a beat. When I’m driving, especially in the summer with the windows down its Country. Yea, I know odd mix. Same goes for what I listen to at work. When it’s a bad day, it’s 90’s rap, Eminem or Metallica. Most days, I have 90s music going which takes me back to where I started above with Family and Friends.

If you reading this, first thank you! Second you’re part of my family and for that words can’t begin to show you how much that means to me. If I talk too much, it’s because I don’t want the time to end. Know that more times than not there’s a hug coming. I look forwarding to sharing more Laughs, more Smiles and some Tears with you.

What’s the material item you have to have in your life? Don’t be afraid to share.

Enjoy your day and whatever the item is that you need!