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One of the greatest complements I’ve ever received was from a high school friend who said, I’ve always respected you, you treated everyone the same and never looked down on anyone. The golden rule is how we should live, now that’s not always the case on how we do live. One of things I was taught at an early age is respect and treat everyone equally. I work to accomplish that everyday as well as teach my boys the same goal.

I will admit I have slacked over the last year, I used to be able to remember everyone’s name once I met them. I have came into contact with so many people on my journey that names don’t always stick now. I feel terrible about it and have tried my best to come up with ways to ensure that doesn’t happen. With every hat I wear and the people that I come across on a daily bases it’s becoming an uphill battle.

My parents said it at an early age, you’ve never met a stranger. I guess the gift of gab is something that once I become comfortable with my voice I never went backwards. I met a guy via a phone conversation a couple weeks ago, we met face-to-face last night. A lot of similar interests and beliefs in the youth and community as well as how to give back. He talked last night about me being a great person, great coach and even told my life you have the honor to be married to this man. Its great to hear those types of mentions about my character and beliefs. Even if the wife just smiled and said it’s not always an honor.

I tell my boys and teams everyday you have to treat each day and person just as important as the one before. You never know who is watching, who is judging and what the outcome will be. Everyone may have a different experience with someone or that day. You may be the best thing that happens to them that day. Ultimately you are both the highlight and lowlight of someone else experience. The goal should be more on the highlight side. A simple smile, a handshake, a hug or even the question how was you day can turn someone’s day around.

I do my best to greet everyone with a handshake or hug, I’m a big hugger, so more than likely will get more of those. If you receive either from me it’s because you are or have been an impact on my life and my journey. I’m still working with the boys and the handshake aspect, looking others in their eyes, standing up when you meet or greet someone. Hugs are also starting to become more frequent, now I have to work backwards as some people may not want one. The boys haven’t figured out the no hug look, so every once in a while we experience the awkward handshake, hug, fist-bump combo.

A couple of years ago while coaching a baseball game, I went and spoke to the pitcher during a rough inning. We talked and was able to get through the inning. After the game, an older gentleman walked up to me and said I wanted to say how impressed I was with you. I shook his hand and said thank you, we had lost the game so wasn’t sure what he was impressed with me for. I guess my blank look gave it away, as he went on to state, I have watched a lot of baseball in my day and to see how you helped the pitcher handle the situation, you walked out, got down on a knee so you were eye level with you player and spoke to him as an equal. That is one of the best things I have ever witnessed from a coach. This man was a stranger, someone I had never met and have yet to meet again. This interaction spoke volumes to me and has helped me be a better person.

To be honest, I don’t remember the conversation the pitcher and I had that day. I don’t remember why I got down on a knee at the time it was just what can I do to help this kid get through a tough situation. For a gentleman to acknowledge what it meant to him shows that any and everything you do is noticed by someone.

I try to talk and acknowledge everyone I come into contact with. With the amount of things I’m involved in I truly get to see a lot of people and for me that’s great. I was embarrassed of my voice and speech problem as a child. I thought at times I wasn’t good enough because I didn’t have as much as others. The 2 bedroom apartment I grew up in was above an old store that my great-grandfather operated years and years ago. The windows were boarded up, when the bus would drop me off after games I would hear comments, oh he lives there. Kids hear the snickers and the comments, I still hear them today, that is one of the things that drives me. I want to show my boys and others, that there’s more to the book than just the cover.

Sports has been able to provide me with a voice to help and I hope inspire others. I may not be the best coach out there and I’m okay with that, I will give you everything I got and outwork anyone to help my guys out. I get calls and texts almost daily from strangers who have become friends and strangers who will become friends. For someone to call and say I have heard great things about you and what you’re doing can we set something up shows the success I had set out for.

Enjoy meeting new people. Smile, shake a hand and hug someone new today. That may be the best part of their day. That interaction can lead to a conversation and possibly a long-term friendship. To me a stranger is a person I just haven’t met yet.

Enjoy your day.