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I’m sure this question has been asked of you at some point in your life. Your answer today may be different from what it was when you were younger. It may vary from day to day. I got word this week that I was selected for an honor, as part of it I was given some questions to answer that will be published. One of those questions was, What Inspires You?

With some questions you have to think for a minute or longer on what you want to say. Without hesitation my answer to this question was.. FAILURE. I never want to fail or let anyone down. This is often a tough pill to swallow as I fail everyday and I often let people down. I try to be multiple places at once. Having two active sons who are now playing and competing at different locations at the same time has made this even more difficult. I coach and have coached many players. Each one of them I have told once I coach you, you become part of my family so I try to go support them in their other sports and activities. Then my family, I live over three hours away from my parents, my sister and her family, my grandparents and so on. I fail them all the time, I’m not able to get back home as frequent as I would like. There’s days I’m only at my house to sleep so to make a 3 hour trip with my schedule is often unattainable.

You may ask, for something that inspires you, you’re not doing a very good job of obtaining. There’s truth to that, but my inspiration is always there. I’ve overcome obstacles and failure everyday. I’ve learned so much from failing, how to get back up after getting knocked down. As far as letting people down, it eats at me if I have to miss something. If I make a promise I will do everything in my power to execute it. However, not being able to control the uncontrollable often leads to some road blocks. I look at it as mini battles. If I can win at least one to two a day then I didn’t fail. If I can make it to multiple events in a day, if I’m able to go see one of my players in another activity then I lived up to my promise. I don’t get to see my parents, my sister or grandparents as much as I want, however I call my dad everyday on the way home. I call mom at home several times a week. I talk to my sister at least once a week or at least that is my goal. I call my grandparents with the same schedule. Those are mini wins. Now, I’m working as hard as possible to make those bigger. I look at my calendar for March and April for those two months I’ve had or will have one free Saturday.

One of the things that stands out is when you know you have made a players day by going and watching them play in a sport you don’t coach them in. I went and watched one of my guys play basketball in February, he texted the wife that date to make sure I was still coming. When I walked into the gym he literally stopped shooting and ran over to me. To see the smile he had showed me that I won that day. To be able to make a difference and impact in another’s life is truly the best feeling I can ask for.

There’s day I defiantly lose, but that inspiration is always there. Write the question down, WHAT INSPIRES ME? Then you have to answer it. Know there’s day your answer won’t work. You will fail. Never give up, never stop trying. Know that others are right there with you. I hope you are inspired today, if not tomorrow is a new day.

Enjoy the day!