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With my schedule and constant running there’s not a lot of down time. I do most of my planning and thinking when I’m driving. I continue to notice a restaurant sign stating ‘Open at 10 am for Memorial Day’. Today, I got stopped at the redlight in front of the sign and just stared at it. Which brought today’s subject up.

It’s been three weeks since Memorial Day and the sign hasn’t been changed. For me, that shows the detail that the restaurant puts into its service, by no means is this an attack on said establishment. It’s purely an example of how important we judge Details. How many people pass that sign a day? How many have passed in over the last seventeen days? How many people have driven past without noticing the words on the sign?

I try to be a detailed person. I spend constant time trying to plan and then execute the details of my day for family, work, sports, the non-profit, etc. Do the details of my planning always work out? Of course not! The perfect plan can fall apart with the most minor of changes. I over think a lot of things, especially when coaching. I try to put players in the best spot for the team to be successful. Does that always work, no. Mistakes, errors and life happens. I get questioned. I get yelled at. I get talked about behind my back. All things that come with coaching and life in general. I try to handle each of those situations. It’s hard at times, who likes to get yelled at or constantly hear some of the ramblings of things being said about you behind your back. Countless times have I had parents from opposing teams or parents from a team we weren’t even playing approach me after the game to say hey I wanted to let you know this is what was being said about you.

We all face obstacles in our life. We all know that the details of what we want to accomplish may come with issues. That should never stop us from giving it our all and pushing through. Things aren’t going to be handed to you, you have to want it, work for it and then earn it. Sometimes you can do all those and still not obtain what you set out to do.

I will continue to plan and work to execute the details of my day knowing that they will not always come to light. That won’t stop me from giving it my all. I will continue to check on my surroundings and see the sign. If you are one of those people who ‘see’ the sign I hope you’re able to put together your details to find the results you set out for. If you don’t ‘see’ the sign, I hope you can take a moment to open up your details to be open to change.

Enjoy your day.