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We all want to be successful. We all want to do our best. We want to win. What we all don’t do is work to be successful. We don’t work to be our best and we don’t work to win. I’ve been asked since an early age what do you want to do in your life. When I’ve responded the next question has been, How hard are you going to work to get it? Some haven’t got the last part of the question or try to skip over it.

Our visions of want vs work may be different. My thoughts are “we” don’t know how to work. Younger generations want everything and the expectations of many is that it will be given to me. If I show up then I’m entitled to play. I’m entitled to be successful. I’m entitled to be the best and I’m entitled to win. Kids, as well as some parents, cry and pout to get their way. People give in and that action is rewarded. When the kids get to the point where others aren’t giving in they don’t know how to work to get what they want.

Wanting something means there are times you have to work hard to get it. That hard-work doesn’t always get you what you want either, you can work your tail off and still not get what you put the effort in to get. Guess what? That’s okay, maybe not at that moment but later it will be. There was a bigger plan in place that you can’t control. Maybe there’s other that affect what you did and what you want. There will be times your work is good enough to get what you want but politics, parents and other factors will be a hurdle you can’t overcome.

As a parent I want my kids to be successful in whatever they do. I encourage and help where I can but I want them to work and earn their success, as well as their failures. I never want to lose but each loss helped me work harder and push myself to get what I wanted.

I’m finding it challenging at times to motivate others into working for what they want. Just showing up and thinking about it is not going to get it done. I can plan all I want, if a plan is not followed or even if a plan is executed to perfection it many not produce what I wanted.

Set out to do what you want today, be prepared to work for it both physically and mentally. Know that work still may not get you want you want but working for it will make obtaining that want easier.

I hope your work brings you what you want.

Enjoy your day!