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With being a father I see this first hand, if one parent says no, the boys will go to the other. If both parents say no then the boys go to the grandparents. There’s been several times when something my wife or I have said no still has ended up in the house.

The boys took the motto, Don’t take no for an answer, to heart. But how many others have that mindset. People interview for a job. People ask for a raise or a promotion and get told no. Some don’t ask again, they let no stop them. While others use that as a chance to push harder and not let no stop them. They use no as a motivation and a chip on their shoulder. Players who get drafted after they think they should use that no from the other teams as a tool. A motivated person can do great things when they believe in themselves.

I’ve talked about it before with Deuces. He was told no a few years ago about making an all-star team. In fact he was told he wasn’t good enough to play the game. He cried and was upset as he loved playing. He used that no as motivation to get better. He didn’t take no for his final answer, he didn’t let no stop him.

There’s a couple of examples of how no didn’t stop players from becoming great and overcoming it. Michael Jordan is the best example. He was cut, told no about making his high school team. He carried that with him through his career and has been placed on the Mount Rushmore of NBA players. Another example and more recent is Baker Mayfield. He is a player that you either like him or hate him, there’s no in between. He got no DI offers coming out of High School. He walked on at Texas Tech and earned the starting job. In fact he is believed to be the first Walk-On true freshman to ever start a season opener. He got in a disagreement with the coaching staff about scholarships and left, he bet on himself and again walked on at Oklahoma. Where he again won the starting job, won the Heisman and was drafted #1 overall in the NFL Draft. He used No as a chip to continue to prove others wrong.

A person may hear No, 99 times out of 100 but the dedicated person will keep fighting for that one. In life sometimes all we need is that one to do or be something great. Continue to believe in yourself and work someday that No may become a Yes.

Enjoy your day!