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What do you think of when you hear the word Wave. Some instantly go with the hand gesture signaling hello or goodbye. While others will go straight to the beach and seeing the water. There are many things in our life that are the same but have different meanings.

I’ll start with the hand gesture today. Some still use it while others have moved to a point, or a cool guy point. A head nod, a salute, a wink, possibly another hand gesture or a special handshake have taken over for some. A wave is simply and easy to do. For many this is a highlight of their day to receive a wave from you.

Looking at the water side now. Many people love to sit on the beach and see and hear the waves. For most this is relaxing. People also like to ride the waves on their surf or body boards. Others like to try and jump into or over the wave.

How do these two things relate to the same word? Looking at the definition, a wave is a disturbance on the surface of a liquid body. It also means, to move freely and gently back and forth or up and down. So a wave means both to move freely and gently as well as a disturbance. This to me is the ultimate. We look at so many things in our lives with double meanings. Here is one of the best examples. We love to sit and relax to something that is crashing and causing a disturbance. On the other side we have taken something that is gentle and changed it to meet our personality.

We see so many things in our life that have double meanings. The best example is us. For most there are two sides. The gentle side and the side that is facing a disturbance. We put on a strong face, we smile and wave. We appear happy and full of life. On the inside we are crashing with some kind of disturbance. We often have that battle going back and forth. Some ask for help while others continue to ride the wave. Some are searching for their surf board to get past the wave while others continue to paddle out. If you see someone struggling don’t be afraid to wave and help them from crashing. Sometimes its hard, sometimes we don’t see it until its too late. If you are struggling with a disturbance look, seek out a wave and approach that gentle movement.

Enjoy your day and your WAVE!