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One of the things we often take for granted is Our Voice. We fail to think of what it truly carries and what we can do with it. For some we often hear or say I don’t like the way my voice sounds. Some don’t want to be in front of people or ever have the confidence to speak. Sometimes it’s the quiet voice that makes the most noise.

For me all too often I hear, you talk too fast or I can’t understand you. This is usually followed with some kind of joke. I have some people in my family that everytime I speak the first thing they say is huh and then they answer what I had to say. Everytime this happens it takes me back to being a little kid and being afraid to speak. I still get upset when this occurs, often times I laugh it off but on the inside I see that little kid crying in the corner. I talk to people around the world without any issues. Yet, some I talk to everyday still say they can’t understand me. I had a speech problem when I was younger, I stuttered to the point where some made fun and I often didn’t want to talk. I took speech classes with Mr. Wayne Crowder. One of my biggest regrets is not reaching out to him sooner and thanking him. My sister informed me he passed away around 9/11. For me to be where I’m at today was in large part to what Mr. Crowder was able to do. We often forget or take for granted the things others do for us to give us the confidence and volume to carry our voice. Mr. Crowder, I can’t begin to say Thank You nor can I put into words the impact you had on me at an early age.

Another person who had a huge impact on my voice is also someone who scared the life out of many, me included at first, but then become a person I often reached out to for guidance for what I wanted to do with my voice was Dr. Ronald Burgher. Burgher was someone I respected and valued every word that came out of his mouth. He was often short and direct with what he had to say but he held your attention with everything he said. When I first had the idea of wanting to write to get the voice and thoughts in my head to paper he was the first person I contacted. Before I posted my first piece for this site I sent it to him to get his opinion. His response, “Bradley, it’s not terrible. Now go dribble a basketball or run your kids to something. Cheers.” With that I knew my voice would be heard through this site. It gave me confidence that what I had to say mattered and would get the attention of those who read it. Dr. Burgher was and still is a man that has left an everlasting impact on me. There have been many times I started to send a note to him to get his opinion. I have a project that I have started that is something I have wanted to do for over 20 years. It’s something that will take me time and I have a hard time knowing he won’t be able to read it or give me some comments. Sir, I say thank you and CHEERS!

I have been able to travel around the country and carry my Voice not only to represent myself, but my state, my family and my company. For a kid from southern WV to be able to step on many stages and in front of many crowds to speak on my Non-Profit has been something that still amazes me. To know where I came from, to see where I’m at now and where I plan to go is remarkable. The two gentleman above are both gone yet to me will continue to carry a voice through me as they gave me the words I didn’t think I would ever have. When you have support and people who believe in your words you know your voice will be able to make an impact. For some I know it’s hard to believe I ever had an issue talking and was quiet. I have some baseball parents that have a strong debate about me talking too much or for too long after games.

Never let your voice become silent. If you have doubts or issues know that you can overcome them. Know that all is takes is one person to believe in you and what you have to say. When you have supporters don’t take them for granted or look back later in life with regret for not letting them know how much they mean or did for you. We all only have ONE VOICE, make sure your’s is heard.

I hope you enjoy your day and what Your Voice does for you today.