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October brings on Fall, Halloween, Scary Movies and Haunted Houses; oh yea and Pumpkin Spice everything. Some love these aspects of the month while others are faced with being afraid of their own shadow and can’t wait for November to arrive. During this month people are more adapt to try and scare others beit with costumes or taking the chance to jump out of dark places they’ve been hiding in.

Looking at the places people jump out of or others are afraid to go down usually start with a Dark Alley. You see it played out in movies all the time, someone has to enter this alley knowing something evil is lurking. As a viewer this is typically where we begin to yell at the character to run away or what are you thinking. I remember visiting the Moundsville Prison many years ago. One of the things we had to do was walk into this dark alley / hallway and individually enter a jail cell where they locked you inside. After they opened the door you had to proceed down this dark alley to move onto the next section of the prison. People screamed, some said the heck with this and left. We often struggle facing our fear and moving forward. The usual reaction is to retreat or freeze. Some will push others in front to “check” it out and begin to backtrack. We are stronger in numbers yet in these situations its all to often a divide and conquer scenario.

One side of the Dark Alley mindset we often take for granted is the person who is living in their own Dark Alley. They feel pressure and darkness all around. They feel alone and as if there is no one there to help. Often times the individual is so far down the alley others are afraid to come to them or they simply walk past. Darkness is something that can engulf you. Some see it both when their eyes are opened or closed. The longer you are in it the more you become accustomed to it. Some are hesitant to leave it. Some hide this Dark Alley well, they look happy on the outside. They smile and look full of energy and life. Yet on the inside they are crouched in the corner crying. We often get stuck looking at only the outer appearance of things. We don’t stop and take the time to open the door and walk in to see the cracks.

A couple of things that can help those out facing Dark Alley’s and fear is light. You have the ability to be the light in someone’s life. A smile, a hug and sometimes a simple greeting is all a person needs. Extend a hand to help them up. Hold their hand in times of need. There is nothing stronger than feeling the strength of someone else when you feel weak. Another thing you can do is encourage them. Facing our fear, facing and then overcoming the Dark Alley is not something all of us can do. Having someone there beside you, knowing you’re not alone is sometimes all we need. Words of encouragement can take others from an area of darkness to light.

We face many challenges in our life but knowing you’re not alone, knowing you have someone there for you is life changing. Be that light in someones life. Never be afraid to encourage someone else. There are times you have to face your own fear and help carry someone through theirs. If you’re in a Dark Alley, don’t be afraid or ashamed to stop and ask for a hand to help you through.

Enjoy your day.