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How many times in life have you said, I hate I missed that? Some of the simplest things are always there, we just miss them. Sometimes it’s too late before we notice them. One of the greatest movie quotes comes from Jerry Maguire, “You had me at hello.” The connection and feelings were always there, he just missed them. It took him almost losing everything to realize how much she meant to him. It’s a common theme in movies and continues to spark the audience as it’s something we all face. How many times have you missed the “Hello?”

With Christmas being a week ago, yes, I know a week just flew by. Many are still sorting and organizing things. For some there’s still some Christmas celebrations to take place. There’s New Years Eve parties tonight, that some will stress about having everything perfect. For some we get so focused on what goes under the tree or what we have to have that we miss the people and time around it. The greatest gift you can give anyone is your time. Followed closely behind your time is your belief in someone. Former NC State Coach Jim Valvano was quoted as saying ” My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person, he believed in me. ” Those two things didn’t cost money. They’re simple. Yet, our society today continues to miss both of those two points.

Most of our time spent with others is with our nose buried in an electronic device. The cell phone has become the greatest and most destructive thing out there. It carries with it so many things, we have the capability to do pretty much any and everything at our fingertip. It also takes away some personal communication skills and the ability to say “Hello” to someone face to face. Many will attend that New Years Eve party tonight and communicate with the person sitting beside them not by spoken words but by text or Social Media outlets. Family time has been replaced with phone time. Family movie night usually consists of everyone holding that device while the movie plays. A great challenge is to go out to eat and everyone’s phone goes in a basket, first person who picks up their phone pays.

As a Coach I had one of my greatest gifts handled to me within the last week. It didn’t come in a box and it wasn’t wrapped. I had a player approach me at the movies. He walked across an isle, from his girlfriend to shake my hand and look me in the eye to say, “Hey Coach”. It was a simple gesture but meant so much to me. It’s something I had talked about with my guys. Making eye contact and giving a handshake to someone when you approach them. My greatest victories didn’t take place on a field or court. It’s the relationships I was able to build with my players. To hear that a player tell his parents if he needed someone to talk to he would call me. I will admit I tear up everytime I think of this. To know I have been able to positively impact someone is beyond rewarding. To know that some of the things I talked about during my time coaching has led to my guys doing them off the field and in the “real-world” to me that’s a win.

We spend so much time searching for that big ticket item and that big victory. Then we miss the simple thing that will build the foundation of not only yourself but those around us. How many of us miss that person smile whenever we walk into a room? How many don’t notice that person light up with just the sound of your voice? For some, we have someone special in our life, yet are afraid to mess things up so we pull back. We don’t see that by pulling back we are hurting that person we care about. How many of us will want to talk to someone but wait on them to call? Then be upset because we haven’t talked. As a child one of the greatest gifts was when the phone rang, it was a surprise to find out who was on the other end. Now, if you call someone and they don’t answer we get upset because they know exactly who it is. We have grown so used to texting that many won’t answer the call, yet will respond in seconds via that text.

Tonight will also bring out New Year’s Resolutions. Some will stick to them, others will fail within moments. I will gain a few new gym partners, for a few days. Mine is simple, it’s been the same for years and one that I have spoke at length with my players about. My resolution is not a New Years one, but one I set out to do each day. I want to be better than I was the day before. I’m going to fail more times than not, but I look at the next day and the opportunity I have to be better.

I hope you enjoy the simple things and will take a moment to hear that “Hello” and have someone believe in you. If you have doubts. Here’s your first Hello today and I believe in you!!

Enjoy your day!