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I have been many things in life and I’ve worn many hats. Titles have come and titles have gone. In each regard I gave everything my best, yes there’s times I have looked back and said I think I could have given more. Often times its in those times we find disappointment usually brought on by an outcome or a result we weren’t searching for. A title I have never had and it appears never will is that of Best Man. I have however given two Best Man speeches but neither time was I the Best Man. In both of those situations the Best Man said they couldn’t talk in front of others.

As I write this I can’t help but laugh and smile, I was once those guys too. With a stutter and speech problem I was embarrassed and ashamed to talk in front of others. I had a man who pushed and believed in me. I gained confidence and said whatever I do, it’s going to be done with my best. Yes, I will fail and will let others down. I will and still disappoint myself more times than I want to admit. I have tried to teach my boys and my teams the importance of working hard and giving your best, there is still going to be times that your best isn’t going to be good enough, you won’t be the Best Man. Does it mean you still can’t give your best, absolutely not. Your ability and talent is often dictated by someone else, they may have an agenda or a disregard for you. It can be difficult to continue or not let that take you away from something you believe in. It can make you not believe in yourself and your accomplishments.

I remember when I was ten years old I knew who my Best Man was going to be, at the time I just had to find that special lady I wanted to stand beside. We can be sure of many things in our life but things can still change or deviate from what we had envisioned to happen. I have been lucky to have made a lot of great friends in life. I may not have earned the title of Best Man but I have been lucky to have been called friend or brother. I cherish those friendships, those memories and everything along the way.

Just because you don’t get the title of best Best doesn’t mean you can’t be the best. Don’t let others stop you from going after what you desire. In the end doubt and agenda may impact the result but don’t let it impact you. You have the pen and have the final say in your story. Walk your own path, others will come along beside you but don’t let others lead you off your final destination.

Enjoy being your best!