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I wrote a couple of years ago about trying to be perfect in an imperfect world.  As I watch others I see that mindset is still at the forefront of many a thought.  I witnessed somethings this year that surprised me and honestly made me rethink some of my own thinking.  When you see others cheat to be “perfect”,  When skirting the lines to benefit themselves and obtaining a victory outweigh what is right and goes against the values that are trying to be taught.  It was a great reminder that in life you can do everything right and still be unsuccessful at a task because others will use dotted lines to find their success.

For a large portion of people the goal at everything is perfection.   How many selfies do you take before you post the “perfect” one?  How many have an excuse or point fingers every time they make a mistake?   Perfection is not the result we often see, we are often far from it.  However, for many that result is not acceptable. Not being perfect is what teaches us the most.  It shows you where you have to be and what you have to improve upon.

We can strive for perfection but have to understand that we can be successful and happy with not being perfect.  The best players and business owners have faced failure and rejection.  They haven’t always been successful which is what made them better.  We should inspire to be better than we were when we failed. Learn from our imperfections and be able to accept that others may not follow the right path to get their results.  Don’t let their path dictate and take you away from yours.

Perfection may not be attainable but finding moments that may you feel perfect are always there.

Enjoy your day!