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We’ve all been in a situation where someone has told us we can’t do something.  Often times that thing we’re told we can’t do is something we love to do.  I’m in that situation now, I was told by a doctor I can’t workout for a month.  I’m not handling that well as it’s my outlet and resource everyday to improve my mind, body and soul.

I post a lot of pictures of me during and after workouts.  I often get a comment for those.  One thing I’ve never shared is the the main reason I do that.  I never was looked at as being the good looking guy or the guy who was most fit.  I’ve worked hard to get to the point I’m at now and often post pictures as a way for me to remember how far I’ve came as well as a possible inspiration to someone else who is or was in the same boat I was.

Having that part of me unavailable for about a month is something I’m struggling with daily.  There’s been days lately where I didn’t have much inspiration and felt slow, tired and just dragging.   We are still living in a time where so many have lost a job, a relationship and other aspects because of the pandemic.   The long term affects of what we’ve been living with may not be completing felt for years to come.

I know I have the date marked when I can return to my daily routine.  For many others who’ve lost and were told they can’t do something they don’t have a time, a date or an idea of when they can return.  How do you handle losing out on something you love?  Do you give up on a goal or dream because of what someone tells you?

Take a moment today no matter where you’re at to take a breathe. A no doesn’t have to be final!  You have the opportunity and chance to make a final decision regardless of what you’ve been told.  Find your passion!  Find your inspiration and how you can inspire others!

Have a great day!   You have the ability to do so much more than you think!