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Being on the go and not saying no causes some limitations.  The first being the fact that it’s been a year since I’ve provided a post.  I still send a morning message on social media to reach more as requested.  However, the direct interaction with some have been hard to maintain.

Most of us get into a routine and then find it hard to get out of it.  Time is the element that no matter what once it passes, you’re not getting it back.  This has become even more clear now that my oldest just graduated high school.  The first thought is how did this happen so fast, he was just a baby yesterday.

It truly feels like life has accelerated into the fast lane with no signs of slowing down.  We are already half way through another year.  As a kid I don’t remember time moving this fast.  I often feel like there is someone holding a remote on fast forward.

As an 80’s baby the hard fact has entered the picture that we are knocking on 50.  If Back to the Future came out today, Marty would be going back to 1994.   How many of us slow danced to  I’ll Make Love To You by Boyz II Men that year?  And we all knew Momma said, Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get.

My goal today and everyday is to be better than I was yesterday.  I try to encourage my guys that no matter what there is no one better at being you, than you.  Years from now, others won’t remember your stats or your rewards, they will remember how you treated them.  Be someone others get excited to talk about.

We can’t control the speed of life, but we can control how we live ours.  Live each day being you!  Know that time is cherished, enjoy the moments with loved ones.  There are times that moving over to the slow lane is not terrible as it may give you a few extra moments with that loved one beside you.

I’ll end it today with a great quote.  Live without pretending.  Love without depending.  Listen without defending and Speak with offending.

Enjoy your day and making the best of your time!