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It’s in our nature to feel like we have to have the answers to everything. It is hard for us to see or have something happen to us without having an answer. We instantly question an event and try to rationalize an answer. Somethings can’t be explained, there’s not going to be an answer to everything. Which to some is hard to understand.

Some people will not stop until they feel they have an answer to everything. In that case they will spend a lifetime chasing something that doesn’t always need chased. By doing this they also push people and things aside. They leave things undone and miss out on opportunities.

How many times have you witnessed someone not letting something go? Not letting you leave until they feel they have had the last word on their answer? In some of those instances there was never a question asked that needed answered. People will provide an answer to a question before the question is ever asked or completed. Growing up everyone can relate to the “smarty pants” or “teachers pet” who always had their hand up and thought they knew the answer. There were times that person was wrong.

Every answer we give is not always right. Every answer is not always the answer. Every question doesn’t have a right or wrong answer. Those ideals are hard to comprehend. We live in a world now where we have to know everything. We feel like we have to be involved in every conversation. We have a device or for some many devices in your hand that is used non-stop.

If you don’t know the answer, if there is no answer it’s okay to say I don’t know. Don’t be afraid to ask others to help you find the answer if one is truly there. A great learning tool is being wrong or not knowing an answer. You have the ability to learn more from not knowing something or being wrong.

Enjoy your day.