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In early August we went on vacation, visited Hershey Park, Amish Country and Cooperstown.  It was a great family vacation, however I did observe something that surprised and upset me at Hershey Park.  I witnessed an unbelievable amount of rudeness.  It came from all all ages, groups of kids pushing through families to get in and out of lines.  These actions weren’t limited to kids though, young adults and older adults were doing the same, pushing or bumping people out of they way so they could move faster.

Treat others as you wish to be treated seems like a distant memory anymore.  Hearing yes sir, not sir, please and thank you is becoming a thing of the past.  I recently was walking into the mall, held the door for the young women walking behind me, not a word.  The girl just walked through like it was her right and my duty.  We went to the WVU women’s soccer game last week.  There was road work going on that night.  We had three cars stay in the right lane all the way to the barrels and cut into traffic at last minute.  They didn’t look, didn’t stop they were coming over come hell or high water.

I’m curious to see what others are teaching at home.  We have tried to teach they boys respect and manners, sometimes its still a work in progress.  We have talked about looking people in the eyes when speaking or being spoken too.  A firm hand shake to me is a sign or respect.  We pray before eating our meals, I’ve noticed people looking and / or talking at restaurants when we’re done. Everyone is quick to judge everything you do.

One of the greatest complements I’ve ever received happened three years ago.  I was traveling back from San Diego, while going through security the agent asked me questions and I answered each with yes sir or no sir.  He smiled and said what branch of the service are you in, I said I appreciate the compliment but I’m not in the service I’m just from West Virginia.  He laughed a little and said well we’re not used to people with manners.

Make someone smile today, a simple handshake and a thank you goes a long ways.

Enjoy your day.