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I’ve seen or heard others often say I don’t like to hear my own voice or I don’t like how I look in a photo. We spend our life time worrying about how we look and how others see us.

What do you see when you look in the mirror? There are two side to this, one will say I like what I see, while others will say I wish this or that was different. The hardest part for some is accepting that you are you.  Change is one of, if not the hardest things for us to do in our life.

I’ve been taking classes at the gym, some days I’m the only guy.  For the longest time, that man voice said, I’m not doing that.  Others will make fun of me.  I workout, I was an athlete I don’t need to take a class.  And the dumbest of all, those classes are just for women.  Once I said yes, I’ve seen a huge improvement in myself, both from a physical and mentally picture. If the 18 year old me could see where we are at today, I think they would be happy, well maybe other than the balding hairline.

We spend too much time trying to impress or make others happy instead of trying to make ourselves happy. Unless you’re a twin, a clone or have a Deloren you are the only you out there.  I’ll quote Highlander, There can be only one.

Take pride in yourself. Never be afraid of who you are or what you see in the mirror. Enjoy being you! At the end of the day my goal is and has been for the longest time, Be better than I was yesterday.  To do that I have to believe in myself, I have to have confidence in myself and most importantly I have to like and not be afraid of who I’am.

Enjoy your day and BE YOU.