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You can always Impress

I hear the phrase, It’s okay, I don’t have to impress anyone.  Many get to that point and feeling once they reach a certain level.  That can be in a relationship, in their career and so on.  I disagree wholeheartedly with that phrase. You only get one...

Living your life in fast forward

Being on the go and not saying no causes some limitations.  The first being the fact that it’s been a year since I’ve provided a post.  I still send a morning message on social media to reach more as requested.  However, the direct interaction with some...

One Pitch Away

So much in sports and life is decided by one pitch/one event.  The difference between success and failure.  The difference between wins and losses are often decided by one pitch.  You can put so much time and effort into something and then the outcome is dictated by...

Your Footprint

Take pride in each step you take, the footprint you leave will impact the person(s) following you.  We often take for granted how important the little things are to others.  A misstep should never derail us from our final designation. Now that those thoughts are out...

When persistence doesn’t pay off

We’ve all had a time when we were the best option for a role and didn’t get it.  We’ve been told I like you, but not like that.  Some will continue to be persistent in hopes of getting their dream result. Some however, get tired of the no’s and...