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Many of us carry physical scars with us. These come from cuts, falls, surgeries and sports. These scars are usually visible and a reminder of an event in our life. Some carry those scars with pride as its a reminder of how they overcame something. Some are looked at...

Stop Sign

People approach a Stop Sign differently. Some will stop completely, wait, glance and glance again. Some come to a rolling stop, there’s a pause and then go. Others, well, they will speed right through the Stop Sign without slowing down. To me this object is a...


One of the worst things we experience is doubt, beit self-doubt or being doubted by others. Doubt can take you away from your dreams. It can push you into depression. It can fill your life with headache and heartache. However, if you can overcome doubt and prove to...

What is the thing you have to have in your life?

This is about as open-ended a question as there is. Most will say family, friends, their pet and so-on. All are great answers, but for my thinking those are all a given. I’ll look at those as they are so important to our path. I also want to take a look at what...

A Wave

What do you think of when you hear the word Wave. Some instantly go with the hand gesture signaling hello or goodbye. While others will go straight to the beach and seeing the water. There are many things in our life that are the same but have different meanings....