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Should I yell or not?

As a parent and coach one way to get attention quickly is to yell. Sometimes the attention isn’t good with that action though.  Some kids react positively to it, while others shut down.  You have to know your audience and know when you can and should use the...

Is Fantasy becoming a Reality?

Fantasy sports have become a way of life for many.  Throw in social media and people are living their lives through fantasy sports. People attack players for not playing or getting their projected points.  A fantasy player feels they are apart of the game because they...

The end

Today the new Avengers trailer dropped, first off wow.  Can’t wait to take the boys to see the outcome.  A part of the trailer really stood out to me, not the story, characters or pictures it was a simple quote.  Robert Downey Jr said “Part of the journey...


I’ve often been asked what is my biggest fear. The answer to that is being a failure, albeit in sports, life or most importantly failing as a father.  My purpose in this journey changed 13 years ago and then multiplied more than six years ago when I become a...

Your Title

I’ve been called many things in my life.  Sometimes those titles were not flattering, while others mean everything to me.  My job titles over the years have been all over the place. Growing up in Southern WV like many of my Monroe Country brothern I started out...