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I had to work traffic yesterday at church. I watched the masses exit the building in full sprint to their cars because it was raining.  People darted in front of cars because they didn’t want to get wet.  As I’m standing there getting wet the thought...

Do you have a quiet place?

My life like so many is a constant blur as I’m running from one event to another.  With everything going around around me there’s even more going on in my head. I’m to the point now where I’m scheduling meetings after meetings on weekends to...

Being from West Virginia

If you grew up or have lived in West Virginia for any time you know all so well the stereotypes.  How do many somehow forget or never learned that there’s actually 50 states in the US?  There’s also, when you get asked where you’re from, you respond...

Comfort Zone

Many people go through life content in their comfort zone or “bubble”. They may look at stepping out and trying something but then fear, embarrassment and other feelings take over. One of my best feelings is seeing someone take that step out.  To see them...

Be Consistent

A difficult trait for all of us is being consistent. In sports you see and hear it all to often, that team played down or played up to their competition.  The color or name on a jersey can change a team that much. We can do a task over and over and get different...