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We have all had times where we needed a push. Someone to motivate us to do something. Yesterday during middle school football practice I got to witness something great. The team had to run three laps around the field, it’s the old MHS Baseball Field. So it’s a good amount of space to cover. Some of the kids aren’t in the best running shape and were struggling. A few of the kids who finished their three laps never stopped and continued on supporting the kids still running. I literally watched a player have his hand on another’s shoulder for half a lap encouraging him to finish. He and others were being a Motivator.

I know some of the kids very well and have seen the leadership qualities they process and to witness this really for the first time as just a parent was a sign of pride and encouragement. To see the players thinking on their own and supporting their teammates was great. To see them never slow down and fight through the pain themselves to ensure their teammates knew someone was there beside them is what its all about. Yes, playing sports you want to win. Yesterday in my eyes was a huge win for the team and several individual players.

I’ve been told I have helped motivate others, that is one of the main reasons I have coached. I had some great coaches in my life that helped motivate me to the best me I could be. I get calls and messages thanking me for this blog and the posts I put on social media. Some have reached out to why I post so much and have disagreed with things I’ve said and that’s fine. However, I’ve been able to motivate some so I will continue. Sometimes all it takes is one person to believe in you to do something special. I still make calls and send messages to people who have been a motivator to me. I spoke with Coach Mustain for over an hour last week after a game. This year was the toughest for me and coaching a lot of difficult things and people who I thought was close began bashing me. Again, he was the first person I reached out to. People who motivate also need to be motivated.

To see my kids being there for others to be a motivator and then having their friends in their corners motivating them has been a parenting win. We all struggle with self doubt and the fear of letting others down. Sometimes it takes that person in your corner giving you support, telling you to stand and that they believe in you to get you through. Being a motivator you can help someone go from “I can’t” to “I did it” and to me there is not a better feeling.

I hope you’re able to Motivate someone today, if it’s a bad day I hope you’re Motivated by someone else.

Enjoy your day!