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A difficult trait for all of us is being consistent. In sports you see and hear it all to often, that team played down or played up to their competition.  The color or name on a jersey can change a team that much.

We can do a task over and over and get different results due to focus, attention and desire.  I see all to often at practice or a game the want to of players is not there.  I’ve had a parent let me know their player would miss and say it’s okay it just practice.   If you miss one with that attitude you will miss more, be consistent and set an example of working to be better.  I talk often about being consistent and competing.  Both of these are areas we all can and should get better at.  If you can get those two aspects down then success and results will come.  That thinking is what pushes me everyday to be better.  Is that always the case, no, far from it but I continue to push myself to be consistent.

Being consistent doesn’t mean you will always be right or successful, however if you work to do one thing better everyday than you will become consistent in advancing yourself.

Don’t change what you’re doing because of someone else.  Be consistent in being you.

Enjoy your day.