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If you grew up or have lived in West Virginia for any time you know all so well the stereotypes.  How do many somehow forget or never learned that there’s actually 50 states in the US?  There’s also, when you get asked where you’re from, you respond with WV and that other person instantly has a friend or relative in Roanoke or Blacksburg.  By the way, that’s not WV.

I used to travel a lot for work, when i did i almost always wore something with WV on it.  Somehow it didn’t matter, the questions and comments still came about Virginia.  When small talk on the plane about where are you from went to the misconception and lack of history that conversation ended.

The other side of stereotype is the negatively about the state being backwards, uneducated, dueling banjos, etc.  I’ve had opportunities to leave this great state for work but have declined because I didn’t want to leave this beautiful place.  I also want to show people how great this state and it’s people are.  I’ve tried to instill that state love and pride into my boys. I grew up in the southern part of the state, lived there until I graduated college at 22, moved to Morgantown the day I graduated and here I sit 16 years later.

There’s a who’s who list of great people and celebrities that come from WV, many of who also take pride of where their from.  It seems like every sporting event you see on TV there’s a WV hat or shirt present.  Jennifer Garner is a fixture for talking about our state.   Barney Fife,  GIlligan, the NBA logo as well as the guy (Rod Thorn) who drafted Michael Jordan all came from WV.  I can’t write this without mentioning my friend Dave Kun and his favorite movie of all time, The Bodyguard, Kevin Costner’s character happens to be a WVU graduate who can be seen wearing a WVU jacket.

Be proud to speak of your state, the people and the beauty we see everyday.  After all the sky is Blue and the sun is Gold.

Let’s go.  Montani Semper Liberi

Enjoy your day.