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Yesterday was like most of my days, I was running from one event to another and during a quick stop at home I lost my keys.  I had them was on a call and trying to rush to get to my next appointment.  I had no idea what I did with them.  Like so many I tried to backtrack and remember what I did, where I went.  My wife and son’s helped me look and finally found them. The keys were in a place I didn’t remember being.

Just like my keys so many of us out there find ourselves lost.  We search and backtrack trying to find ourselves. The definition of lost states no longer in the possession, care, or control of someone or something.  The definition also mentions unable to find one’s way. I have felt lost several times throughout my life as I failed or didn’t achieve a goal I set out for.  A mistake, a bad decision or moment can lead to the feeling of being lost.   How do we overcome those events and find ourselves moving forward?

Being apart of sports throughout my life I have dealt with many losses.  As a coach I have tried to use losses as a learning tool.  Yes, like so many things in our life things are judged by results.  You win.  You lose.  But we also learn.  Some of my best lessons have come from being on the losing end of a game or event.  I’ve learned throughout my life others are going to be better than me at things, however they will never be a better me.  There is only one me and I’m going to be the best at that.  Try using that thinking when you feel down, out of place or lost.

I frequently get lost in my thoughts and feelings.  Am I good enough?  Have I done enough to lead those around me?  I know I’m not going to make everyone happy, yet I still struggle with that feeling of loss because in my head I’ve let someone down.  I revert back to the thought above and know if I give my best then it’s all I can do.  As I’ve grown older I have opened the door that for so long I kept closed with my feelings and emotions.  I’ve cried more in the last few years and no longer feel I have to hide it or be ashamed of it.  I have also asked for help and admitted I need it.

If you are out there and feel lost or alone, I know someone is going to read this and realize that yes this is me.  First off, it’s okay.  You’re not alone!  There are people in your circle, in your corner that care.  They will drop everything and help you find your “keys” .  If you need a hand, an ear or someone to walk with you to get back on your way I’m here.   Send me a note.  I want you to know that inside of all of us is a light and an inspiration to someone else.

Enjoy your day!