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We are faced everyday with two options, being replaced or being the replacement.  Let me explain.  I had a conversation with upper level management recently and the statement was made.  If I were to leave the company today, I would push for you to be my replacement.  It was stated that you need to have a succession plan and my succession plan is to ensure you and others are ready.

That conversation got me to thinking.  What’s my succession plan, whose my replacement and can I really be the replacement to this position. I’ve been at my job for over 15 years and being 38 years old, retirement is a small blimp on the radar right now.  That unless someone hits the lottery, a rich friend says here’s a gift or my Uncle Milton or Aunt Vera finally return my calls.

For me my succession plan is my boys.  I’m trying to teach them as much as I can, hoping they understand that you need to work hard, respect yourself and others and always push yourself to be the best me I can be.  Will you struggle yes, will things always make sense, no.  Trust the path, trust yourself and always be a sponge.   I had a conversation with a former WVU athlete and he said you know a lot. I responded and said I know a little about a lot and a lot about a little.  I continue to try to be that sponge, soak it all up.  Yes, there’s holes and things will leak out but work hard to retain as much as possible.

As far as being replaced that can happen at any time. I’ve been at my job for almost half my life.  if something happened to me, if I were to leave my job will continue, my company will continue, I can only control my action and what I do. You can do something for your entire life and be replaced in a heartbeat.

What you have to do is not get stuck in the revolving door without a plan to get out.  Take control of your path.  Make your succession plan.  Work to be the replacement, not the one being replaced.

Enjoy your day.