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Why do we try to be perfect?

I wrote a couple of years ago about trying to be perfect in an imperfect world.  As I watch others I see that mindset is still at the forefront of many a thought.  I witnessed somethings this year that surprised me and honestly made me rethink some of my own...

The POWER of Faith

I was moved and touched with a conversation I was apart of last week.  You will get to hear it soon, I can't wait as it was such a powerful moment for me.  Part of this conversation was with someone who've I've never met, however after a few minutes felt like I've...

How ONE thing can change it all

We have all experienced or heard that was the moment or that was the event that changed everything.  We have had a life experience that along the way shaped or molded us into who we are.  There are also moments in our life that we didn't either execute or follow...

Staying inspired when our inspiration is interrupted.

We are all facing uncertain times. Things that have been part of our routine have halted or stopped completely. We got news yesterday that we are looking at moving into a new phase of allowing us to slowly move back into what we have deemed our "normal" life. So many...

Being the Best Man is not always in the cards

I have been many things in life and I've worn many hats. Titles have come and titles have gone. In each regard I gave everything my best, yes there's times I have looked back and said I think I could have given more. Often times its in those times we find...

Being Isolated

We are living in an unknown time. We are finding ourselves staying home, working from home and practicing self-distancing. For many, myself included, it's a struggle. I'm used to being on a constant run, with work, sports and life. The downtime was okay for about a...

Chasing a Bigger Number Means Losing the Closest One

Social Media has become an addiction for so many. We become consumed with the number of likes, the number of retweets and the number of followers we have. We get excited when we get a like or a comment back from someone "famous" yet fail to call and talk to family and...

Empty Tank..

My wife tagged me in a social media post this morning about actually getting gas before she was on E. It's a running joke with her as everytime and I mean EVERYTIME I get into her car she has about 20-30 miles before she's on E. So, the joke also has a touch of if you...

When we are no longer wanted

One of the worst feelings you can have is not being wanted. It's something that can occur without warning or happen over time. You can see the separation happening before your eyes yet can't stop it. It can come with an absolute blindside. It can be something that we...

Having trouble walking away

Most of us have had an experience in our lives where we had trouble walking away from something. That something usually involves a relationship with another or a career. We try to "stick it out" because we see good things in there we want to help "change" someone or...

Missing the Simple Things

How many times in life have you said, I hate I missed that? Some of the simplest things are always there, we just miss them. Sometimes it's too late before we notice them. One of the greatest movie quotes comes from Jerry Maguire, "You had me at hello." The connection...


For many the instructions we receive with our purchase don't get looked at. Typically they get put to the side until there are issues and then they're pulled out. I hear alto-often I don't need the instructions. They should be called the destruction's. We will just...

The Crystal Ball

How many times in your life have you dreamt of having a crystal ball? To be honest the crystal ball for me has and will always be the Deloren, the flux capacitor and 88 MPH. Anyway, the idea of being able to look into the future is something we all have wanted at...

Being a Friend

In our life we are constantly running from one event to the next which in turn usually limits interactions with some family and friends . Last night was no exception, Deuces was set to have a workout however decided to bypass it to go support his closest friends. His...

The Event

We have all had an event, going through an event or will face an event that makes an impact on our life. That event is something for many we question, Why did this happen to me? On the flip side, the event could be something that brings someone into your life that you...

Can you control you emotions?

There is a great quote from the movie Act of Valor, that my friend George shared with me today. I'll paraphrase it a little, No one is stronger or more dangerous than one who can harness his emotions. This spoke volumes to me especially after witnessing someone being...


I read a great piece this morning speaking about a company losing its most talented people based on employees standing on a line. On one side is where they are at and on the other is where the unknown and opportunity lies. We spend everyday with lines in all factors,...


We find ourselves usually on two sides of advice, giving it or receiving. All to often the advice we give others is what we want that person to do. It however might not be what they want to do or hear. This leads to arguments and hard feelings. Some advice we receive...

Dark Alley

October brings on Fall, Halloween, Scary Movies and Haunted Houses; oh yea and Pumpkin Spice everything. Some love these aspects of the month while others are faced with being afraid of their own shadow and can't wait for November to arrive. During this month people...

When being you is not the best choice.

I promised a great friend I would write on something "next week", well that week became six, I'm sorry for the delay. I write thinking points and quotes on my social media pages daily, it's typically things I share with Deuces. On this particular day I wrote, You're...