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I Wish…

No, I'm not quoting Skee-Lo and yes I dated myself with that reference. The title is something we've all uttered, I wish.. I wish I would have done this or I wish I would have done that. I second guess myself often with coaching and being a parent, which leads to me...

Excuses and Blame

We struggle with a lot of things in life, two of the biggest is excuses and blame. People chase dreams or goals and if they don't accomplish them the usual response is an excuse or blame. Handling failure or adversity is a challenge many can't overcome. If we can't...

Agony of money..

We spend so much time chasing the allusive dollar, well rephrase that as a dollar doesn't buy much anymore. We chase money in general. We all want more and for most what we have isn't enough. We all lose time and opportunities with loved ones because a position or...


With my schedule and constant running there's not a lot of down time. I do most of my planning and thinking when I'm driving. I continue to notice a restaurant sign stating 'Open at 10 am for Memorial Day'. Today, I got stopped at the redlight in front of the sign and...

Painting a picture without seeing a face.

We all have had interactions with someone without ever meeting the person. You paint a picture of what you think that person looks and is like. If you do get to meet them in person you often utter or hear the words, It's great to finally put a face with the name. We...


We've all looked at a photo, heard a song or watched a movie and it took us to a specific moment in our path. You hear a song and it takes you back to High School, a game, your prom, etc. For me anytime I hear GNR and Welcome to the Jungle, I'm back in high school...


Sometimes the hardest thing to keep is your composure. You will get attacked, you will get knocked down. People will try to find a crack and exploit it. I've been in many situations where my composure was tested. Recently we played a game where after the game the...


Life is hard is a statement I've heard repeated numerous times throughout my life. For some they feel they can accomplish everything on their own, while others struggle. They need constant support. However, the thing both of those mindsets have is a friend or friends...

How do you handle a hurdle?

Watching Deuces first go at track and trying to quickly pickup on everything myself has me continuously observing all aspects. I'm still learning terminology and rules. Watching him and his friends compete, especially him and his closest friend, they are both new to...


We all experience Blame everyday, be it from something we did or something we didn't. A lot of times the Blame-Game rears it's ugly head into our day. This isn't isolated to an age or a title either. I see it at work, on the field and with my kids. How do you handle...

Finding Forgiveness for your Faults

I hear it all to often, I'd rather ask for forgiveness than permission. Not the best thinking for a lot of things. Others have a harder time admitting their faults and mistakes. Time is spent arguing or finger-pointing in all directions except back at themselves. I...

What Inspires You?

I'm sure this question has been asked of you at some point in your life. Your answer today may be different from what it was when you were younger. It may vary from day to day. I got word this week that I was selected for an honor, as part of it I was given some...

Never a Stranger

One of the greatest complements I've ever received was from a high school friend who said, I've always respected you, you treated everyone the same and never looked down on anyone. The golden rule is how we should live, now that's not always the case on how we do...

When your good isn’t good enough.

I often write about sports, especially baseball as that is typically where I spend most of my time. To me there are so many things about baseball and life that go hand and hand. I sent a quote recently, Life and baseball have so much in common, some days you get the...


When you look in the mirror what do you see? Some don't like their reflection. Some try to change what they see with make-up, tattoos and so-on. Under all that it's still you in the reflection. That is the part many fail to see. We let others dictate so much in our...

Raising a Teenager

Raising a Teenager is like rolling dice, some days you get a hot streak and other days you crap out. The ability of an attitude to change with a gust of wind is hard to understand and even harder to plan for. Throw in the appeal to impress others and the end of the...


I just turned 39 last week and with that the countdown to 40 has officially began. As I sit here writing that I can't help but laugh and cringe at the same time. Man, this time next year I'll be 40. Where has the time gone? I remember being my boys ages. At seven I...

Always Learning

I have spoken at length that my main goal each day is to be better. Another goal of mine is to always learn. For me, each of these goals go hand and hand. What did I learn today that will make me better? We take for granted many things in life, being a student and...

Rush to Judge

We often rush to judge a picture before we truly admire the details.  We give it a quick glance and speed past.  That thinking often times occurs when we meet someone as well.  We try to make a rush decision on that person.  Do we like them?  Do they fit into my...