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We live in an era of comparison.  Whatever one does it’s usually compared to someone else. The constant debate now is it Jordan or Lebron. To me that’s like comparing which child I like better.  They’re both great, however both are different and their own person.

Everyone is now GOAT, to the older audience that stands for Greatest Of All Time.  We have kids and some parents pushing that they or their child be the next great athlete.  I had a recent conversation with a co-worker, he said I talked to a friend.  Her son is 11 and plays travel basketball.  In the parents eyes he’s a superstar and is guaranteed to get a DI scholarship.  However, talking to others the kid has talent but others on the team are better.   The part those parents are missing is he’s 11.  He’s still a kid, if they’re banking on a DI scholarship now at 5th / 6th grade, they are setting this kid up for failure.  He’s still got to make his middle school team, his travel team and his high school kid before he can get that DI offer.

At 11 this kid being told he’s like Lebron was at that age. Hate to break this to the family there’s only one Lebron as there is only on MJ.  I feel sorry for many in the world of youth sports.  The “fun” damentals are being skipped over by many to showcase individuals skills.

A college coach told me recently at this age its a game, until someone is getting paid or a career is on the line, it should remain a game.

In this world of comparisons, when asked by someone who do you want to be compared to, the simple answer should be yourself.

Make the most of your name, yourself and your actions.

Enjoy your day.