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You hear it all too often, they have a ton of potential.  Or wait till you reach your potential.  We spend a lifetime looking back or planning the future instead of living in the now.

As a coach I’ve been guilty of saying it myself, that player has some potential, there’s something there.  Then you task yourself with trying to get that potential out of the player.

During a recent nine hour field prep, I did a lot of thinking, not only about trying to get the best out of my guys but also getting the best out of myself.   This led to me looking back on my coaches talk on potential with me. My playing days have long been over and the thought arose did I reach my potential.  My first answer was well no, I didn’t reach the goals I sat our for.  That answer lead to the next question.  Did I do everything in my power to reach my potential, again I had the same answer, no.

My current position and the roles I’ve served over the last 15 years isn’t what I had planned for all those years ago.  Yes there were things I had envisioned and dreamed of doing, those didn’t pan out.  Does that ultimately mean I failed or didn’t live up to my potential, my answer again was no.

For awhile I lived with some regret and some doubt about what I felt I missed out on because of an injury.  Time isn’t going to stop and feel sorry for you.  Over the last few years I’ve refocused, I’ve set more goals and continued to try and push myself to be better.  What I’ve learned is I hope I never reach my potential.  It’s that carrot I can keep chasing.  It’s the person I want to be but the one I can never be because of life, time and changes.  I never want to stop learning, teaching and growing.

If I can coach my players and my boys that others can’t predict their potential, its on them to have a vision of what they want to be and / or hope to be.  Then to realize that everyday is your chance to expand, change and enjoy who they are and to keep looking ahead to what they make of their potential.

Enjoy your day.