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We all experience emotions everyday. Some days we have laughter and happiness. While other days it’s tears and sadness. We experience confidence and self-doubt and feel wanted or all alone.

Being a man we have the tough guy motto of crying is for babies. I’ve said it time and time again when the boys have fallen or taken a hit, “Don’t Cry” Tom Hanks memorable line from A League of Their Own, “There’s no crying in baseball.” Being in and around the game there’s nothing further than the truth. Players cry when they fail. Something remarkable will happen that brings a tear to your eye, the Angels no-hitter with every player wearing #45 in honor of the their fallen brother. Parents will cry when their player does something special. Coaches cry, yes coaches cry, when giving a heart felt speech about the end.

Last night was our last practice of the season. Last practice as this team and for some possibly the last practice ever. I’ve gotten teary eyed several times this season talking about the end. I have something special as a surprise for each of my players and had to wipe some tears doing it. Does that make me less of a man, some may argue so, but I did think so. There’s something special about my guys. There’s a bond and closeness that I’ve never seen in any other team I’ve coached. They truly care for each other and support the team concept. They laugh and joke around, they have a group chat where they talk off the field and push each other on it.

I’ve talked to them all season about playing with emotions but not letting emotions play us. Don’t let your highs be too high and your lows be too low. Being 13 and 14 years old is tough enough then add in playing a game based on failure, it adds extra pressure and stress. You can play a great game and go 0-4, on the flip side you can play terrible and still find a yourself going 2-3. I have guys that have a hard time overcoming themselves, they get caught up in their emotions. They focus on what didn’t happen instead of what did. The game and life teach us to have a short memory, it’s hard at times, but you will go further if you can.

If you struggle with emotions, you’re not a lone. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. I wrote this week on this issue and Deuces being an emotional mess before a game. The best thing he did was say I need to talk to someone. Don’t be afraid to take that step, others are walking in that same path. Be there when others ask for help. What better emotion is there than to be loved and to be cared about.

Laugh, cry and enjoy being you and what the day brings. Some days will bring the 0-4 while others will have the 2-3. In either case, don’t change being you. It’s okay to be emotional, just don’t let the emotions stop you from being you.

Enjoy your day!