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Alright, I’ve been thinking about starting a Blog for awhile.. either a weekly / monthly. Let me know what you think..

What do you want to be when you get older is a question that kids and young adults are often asked. Each time its asked, there could be a different response. I recently attended my son’s PreK graduation. There some of the responses to that question were, a fireman, truck diver, a lion and a bear. My older son will answer that same question one day saying he’s going to be a doctor and the next a baseball player. As I approach my 20th high school reunion, yes I’m getting old, I look back over the years at my answer to that question. I found my senior yearbook and my answer to what I would be doing in 10 years… a computer repairman, Y2K was coming, or a professional athlete. Yelp, as you can guess neither of those things happened. After graduating high school I went to college. When I went to freshman orientation I was going in thinking I will be a teacher / coach, I loved working with kids and loved playing and being around sports. I step into a room and see 100+ young adults with the same idea.. needless to say I let that deter me, I decided on communication and sports broadcasting. I loved that decision, working on radio, announcing basketball and football games, working at a race track all things that kept me in the sports side. The day I graduated college I moved to Morgantown with the grand plan of working on radio. I went to several interviews, which each ending in a no, one radio station even said, “Tim we would hire you in a heartbeat, however once your fiance graduates college you two will be moving back to your hometown.” Anyway, as I sit here at 37 not doing anywhere close to what I said I would be in high school or college I again ask myself What do you want to be when you get older.

My answer today is much more simple and comes with just two words: Happy, Successful.

Careers change. Plans change. Life Happens. All things we can’t control. One of the things I continue to tell my team is we have to work on understanding we can’t control everything, the uncontrollable things are going to happen, you have to work on the things that you can control.

The biggest thing I can control is my ACE: Attitude, Concentration and Effort.

I can face everyday with an attitude that makes me and the ones around me happy. With a positive attitude I will be successful.

Everyday I need to concentrate on what makes me happy, continue to focus on those things and success will come.

It takes some effort to be happy, if you give your best effort you can be successful.

You don’t have to be the best at anything, as long as you give your best… you will see happiness and success.

Enjoy your day.