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You could get a different answer to this question depending on who you speak with.  Do you define success by results, by growth or by money?  All three could be popular answers to that question.  For me at times in my life each of those were an answer I would give.  When I was younger money was the first answer, growing up and not having much it was something I chased and felt would be what made me successful.  As I got older results of what I did become more important and the foundation to what I thought it was to be successful.  Then growth in my profession, in my family and in myself began to push me to be better and what I thought others saw as being successful.

As I sit here today, in my everyday hustle and bustle I have a different answer to what I feel defines success. The answer for me now actually still has elements of the three above.  My answer to what defines success today is memories.  At the end of my journey money isn’t something I will look back on or take with me.  The results I had may have paved a way but won’t be the first thing I think of.  The growth of what I have done will be a thought but not where I begin.  It will be the memories I have made along the way.  The memories of people and events that forged a place in me.

Over my 38 years I have made a lot of great memories and look forward to making more.  For me now I think back of memories of defeat, of loss and how it made me better.  To me that is success.

Look to make a new memory, hold onto the ones you’ve made and enjoy the time with those you’re making memories with.

Enjoy your day.