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How many times have you heard the answer, I don’t know? Raising kids it’s often the answer I get when one did something. Why did you do that, I don’t know? I hear it at work and on the field just as much. What happened, I don’t know?

We are in such a rush with everything we do that this three word answer often times is our go to. How many times have you answered a question you truly didn’t know the answer for? This will date me, for the young ones who read this you may have to do some research. We had to do a lot of fill in the blank tests in high school, if I didn’t know the answer I would typically write “Be Kind, Rewind.” I never wanted to admit I didn’t know and was persistent with that response. I did finally get credit for it once.

I don’t know has a close friend named, I don’ care. Which usually arrives when it’s time to make a decision on eating and places to go. Hey, where do you want to eat, I don’t care. That answer is often followed up with I don’t want to eat here. I don’t care is a dangerous expression that should be handled with care. Thread lightly when you hear this and be ready for an I don’t know to walk into the conversation.

Why is it so hard for us to answer a question and be responsible for our actions? There’s a huge struggle today dealing with failing or being wrong. We have a major complex that we’re always right, even when we’re wrong. People will argue knowing they are wrong. Again don’t be surprised with the I don’t know or I don’t care defense tactic.

To me this is one my pep peeves. I get frustrated when I get this answer, especially from the boys. We all have moments where we do and say something with a lack of judgement. You did it, even if you didn’t know why you did it. It’s over. You can’t take it back, there’s not an undue button. Own it. Accept it. Learn from it. Just don’t say I don’t know while you’re at leave I don’t care at home too.

Life is hard as are some of the decisions we have to make day-in and day-out. Control your actions and your answers. Do everything with a purpose. Make your decisions and your answers.. yours. Have an answer to the question. If you are unsure of the answer, don’t be afraid to ask.

Enjoy your day.