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No, I’m not quoting Skee-Lo and yes I dated myself with that reference. The title is something we’ve all uttered, I wish.. I wish I would have done this or I wish I would have done that. I second guess myself often with coaching and being a parent, which leads to me saying I wish I would have made that change.

Over the last few years there’s been several deaths of artist that I had always wanted to see. Again, in conversation I would say I wish I would have gone to see them perform. Players have retired that I never got to see and again I would say I wish I would have gotten to see them play. Above all that is when I’ve lost a loved one. I have said I wish I would have spent more time with them. Why does it take loss or a failed opportunity for us to press our thinking to wishing for a chance to do something? That opportunity was there before, we just didn’t take the time or make the time to do it.

We spend so much time wishing on things after they occurred or after they’re gone instead of living those wishes out and enjoying them when we can. We are so busy in our lives now it’s hard to break away. At least that is the answer I continue to state. Time seems to be running in fast forward that when and if we get a free moment you try to catch up or simply enjoy that moment of nothing. Often times that is when the I wish moments pop up.

Life has become more of a juggling act as I’ve gotten older. Most of that juggling is self induced, I know. Living away from my hometown and family presents a challenge to get back, to see people and be apart of things. I’ve said for years I would love, I wish I could, go back and play in an alumni game for my school. I found out I’ve missed several of those opportunities, so again, I said I wish I would have known.

I can’t go back in time, even though I’ve found a Flux Capacitor. The 1.21 gigawatts and Dr. Brown seem to be harder to find. I’ve tried to be more forward thinking, enjoy the day at hand and do as much as I can in that moment.

Yes, there’s still moments of oh I wish I would have done this or that. Still, not a day goes by that I don’t regret not seeing my favorite player, Barry Sanders, play in person. The way he played the game, the way he carried himself and the way he respected the game stand out to me. One of my greatest highlights was getting a Twitter response from him.

Don’t miss out on seeing your idol play, hearing Free Falling or Purple Rain in person or getting that afternoon sit on a swing with a loved one. Turn that I wish into I did.

Enjoy your day!