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I just turned 39 last week and with that the countdown to 40 has officially began. As I sit here writing that I can’t help but laugh and cringe at the same time. Man, this time next year I’ll be 40. Where has the time gone?

I remember being my boys ages. At seven I was all about my GI Joes and Master of the Universe. Throw in a little sports and that was it. At 13 sports were my #1 priority, followed closely by females. Nothing else seemed to matter outside of that. Well, I guess school, but at that age it was coming pretty easy and I was able to manage without putting a ton of effort into it.

I often think back to those times and wonder what I was truly thinking about. I know I had dreams to make sports my career, however my skill set had other ideas. Why didn’t I have a better idea or plan for the future? The things and dreams I had still haven’t occurred so I have went down a different path. Most of my thinking then and even more so today was how can I succeed. I carry a fear of failing with me everyday. I want to deliver and be the best at what I’m doing everyday. Often times I fail at this however, I continue to give my best

I lived my teens and early twenty’s with sports being the most important aspect of my life. I relieved or at least tried to relive high school glory and thought that would be my legacy. Truth be told, I was an average high school player at each sport I played. I was good enough to start and make some plays but not good enough to advance. I’ll never have my jersey retired and that’s okay. It’s been 21 years since I donned the purple and black for the Mavericks of James Monroe. Those days were fun and part of my growth but will not define my legacy. I’ve found I speak less and less about those moments as I get older.

What I talk about the most and what will ultimately be my legacy are my boys. For me it doesn’t have to be sports related with them. Now granted I’m shoulder deep with their sports schedules now. Each has grown in their abilities while experiencing both success and failure.

My hopes and prayers are that they both become successful in whatever they do. That they fin a passion for something and chase it. If they never obtain it, that’s fine, the chase teaches us more anyway. They both have made friends and bonds, I hope those become lifelong. For me I knew who my best man was going to be at 14, I just had to find the person who was going to stand beside me and say I do.

My legacy has nothing to do with things I’ve accomplished or will accomplish. My legacy will be what my boys do and become. I have been proud of their journey so far. Both have a bright future ahead if they want to work for it.

So, here’s to living each day closer to another milestone. Sharing the journey with loved ones and seeing what the legacy holds.