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Life and Death are two words that cause many questions, many concerns and many feelings.  Some people often live their entire life questioning Life.  Why am I here?  What is my purpose? What impact will I have? On the other side of that is Death.  Those same questions are asked.  Why was I here? Did I meet my purpose? Did I have an impact?  We all know that part of Life is Death, like everything there is a beginning and an end. I’ve thought alot about both of these things recently.  I couldn’t control when I was born into this Life and don’t have an idea when Death will call. What I can control is what I do with my Life.

Another part of Life is family.  We have family by blood and bond.  I’ve been blessed in my Life with having a huge family both blood and bond. Now Life often pops up and causes issues with family and feelings.  Disagreements are going to occur. Arguments happen; but so does happiness and memories. A goal in Life should be to make great memories, be happy, love your family.

As we travel this path of Life memories are made.  Often times memories are closely looked at, talked about and relived when we face Death. Why do we have to wait until Death to really slow down and bring those memories to the forefront.  As a kid we grew up going to Family reunions, family cookouts, cookout with friends who are family based on bonds. A family reunion is now almost a forgotten thing for many.  We are living in the social media world. We depend on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram to get our updates on Life.  A phone call in your youth brought excitement and surprise, whose calling.. For the young-ones who read this.. yes that meant no cell phones, no caller ID.  So when the phone rang you ran to it to hear who was on the other side. Not the oh its “Tim”, I’ll talk to him later or I’ll text to see what he wanted.

Now, as we live this Life.  Will you spend it trying to answer Why I am here? What is my purpose? What impact will I have? Or will you live you Life knowing I’m going to make the best of each day.  Know wherever you are that you’re there for a reason.  Know that your purpose is to be you. Your impact is whatever you want to make of it.  Challenge yourself today, I’m going to answer that call from “Tim”.  I will step out of my social media world and actually push numbers and call someone.  Make it a goal to go to my family reunion, if ones not scheduled, schedule one.

I want to be able to look back on my Life and know I lived.  Know that I’ve loved.  Know that I’m loved.  Know that I’ve touched someone.  Let someone know that they’ve touched me, made an impact on your Life.  Again, most times that happens when we face Death.  Why?

I hope I have many, many more years of this Life. I want to see my boys grow into men, have their own families.

Make the most of your Life and enjoy your day.